Rewardo Apps Apps

Muslim Chat and Discussions 1.1
Rewardo Apps
Muslim Chat and Discussions is Intended toprovide Muslims around the world with a platform to expressthemselves and for Non Muslims to learn more about Islam.Main functions of the app include:• Feed section will show you the posts of users for whom you arefollowing and your posts.• Stream section it shows the posts of all users. Global streamposts.• Popular section it shows 50 posts sorted by popularity. We cansay this: Top 50.• Friends section will show you the users for whom you arefollowing.• Profile section: this is your personal profile, where you can seeyour posts, you can edit your personal information, change thephoto or cover.• In the Messages section you can see all your conversations.Notifications Section: Here you see the history of notifications ofnew likes, comments and new followers.